Monday, January 24, 2011

Spotted Projects

Life has been busy (When wasn't?)
So, instead of doing something
I've been browsing around and gathering ideas
Here are some of my next do list 
(Besides my 2011 wish do list, of course)

Just as I was wondering where to find a good way to store headbands after I made this clip board
Here goes Emilie's wonderful tutorial again... 
Cute, yes, very cute & pretty 
And it's on my next do list

Oh, I am also following this sew along
I've been wanting to sew a wrap shirt like this forever
(And, I've been reading craft is not optional for
Well, quite some time now)
I love her tutorial
She Shows how to me how to draft the pattern
So, you too
Can follow along
And, will see a wrap shirt here
Soon ...

It's a short list I know
But hey, let's not overwhelm ourselves
And, see how much we can get done
Shall we?


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